Our story
After six decades, Nail Magic® is still selling the original Hardener & Conditioner all over the world for one simple reason: IT WORKS!

Our Roots
Developed in 1960
Nail Magic® was developed in 1960 by a professional manicurist, Mrs. Martha Peterson. Development required several years since Martha was interested in providing a product which would correct the nail problems she was encountering with her clients. She perfected the formula and she, as well as her clients, were elated with the results. The product worked so effectively that these clients requested it be made available to them for personal use between their visits to her. That was the manner in which Nail Magic® was first introduced to the retail market. Some months later, due to the word of mouth and popularity of the product, it was placed in the cosmetic department at Meier and Frank Company department store in Portland, Oregon.

Dramatic Results
Nail Magic® began selling moderately in the beginning, as it was not advertised or promoted in any way. However, because of its effectiveness, the rate of sale accelerated rapidly, including new customers who had witnessed personally or learned by word of mouth of the dramatic results being experienced by those using the product. Additional stores throughout the country began accepting the product, and without exception, immediate acceptance provided sales activity beyond the fondest hopes of all concerned.
It was while working as an assistant buyer for Meier and Frank Company in Portland, Oregon, Ron Haken discovered Nail Magic®. He noticed that this one little item was continuing to sell out. Nail Magic® accounted for a significant percentage of the store's entire cosmetic sales, without any advertising, sophisticated packaging or special offers. So, in 1976 Ron Haken bought Nail Magic® and still owns it to this day.

A Nail Hardener that Works
Six decades later, Nail Magic® is still selling the original Hardener & Conditioner all over the world for one simple reason: IT WORKS!
We have grown to offer many other nail care products that all provide the same superior results as its original product so many years ago. Nail Magic® is now located in Redmond, Oregon and we believe that dedication to great customer service is the number one priority. We love to hear from our customers and continue to receive customer testimonials of how well it works; we look forward to hearing from you!